Handprints / by Katia Gray


Last summer, Ian made his first surfboard. He called it the Shred Sled. I've never seen a man get so angry and so happy at the same time. The shaping part was a cake walk for Ian, he came home from shaping with a surfboard that looked like a spaceship had just dropped it off for him. Super sleek, squared nose, lightweight and short. Just how he liked em. But the glassing part was a whole other story all together. He would run up and down the stairs cursing and dripping asking me if he could use my pen to stir a pot of gook he had dripping in his hand. The first time he tried to glass the board, it never dried... we would probably still be waiting for it to dry. But he somehow fixed it, because he fixed everything, he was just like that. He measured the ratios right and it worked. Then came the sanding, he sanded for days, so much love and hate went into that board while he was sanding...he was outside for days. He knew I missed him so eventually  he set me up on some saw horses and taught me how to repair the pink board that he had destroyed a few weeks earlier. He had bought this resin tint to use to add some color to the board, it was blue. That summer, everything had blue handprints on it. Our dish towels, his shorts, his favorite sweater, the dog would leave blue pawprints on the ground. 

These pictures, were taken on the fourth of July 2012. Ian was sanding the board all day that day, and didn't want to go to any parties. I was working on a Brand Bible for our surf company that we had opened called Open The Inside Door. Ian is pictured below, holding the brand bible that I had made for our company. Tag Line: Surf Together. ​
